Chad Grayson

time management

Everything is Broken

Calm down, that’s not what I’m talking about. I don’t even watch the news (usually) Over the course of the past couple of years, I seemed to have cracked the code of productivity for myself. I was, at one point, writing 3000 words a day, four days a week. In 2022, I wrote 377,000 words of new fiction (and blog posts). Last year, I wrote 277,000, which is still respectable. […]

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What is Time?

I’ve been reading Jaclyn Paul’s Order from Chaos and it’s all about how you, as an adhd person, can organize your time and your living space. And it made me think about how I was structuring my days, and if I was doing that in the most efficient way. I don’t really have much trouble getting things done lately. I make a schedule, and I pretty much stick to it.

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