Chad Grayson

What We Talk About When We Talk About Writer’s Block

Whenever I see a list of questions people have for working writers, ‘How do you get over writer’s block?’ is near the top. I understand why this is such a common question. A lot of people seem to deal with this issue, and until I figured out my process, it happened to me a lot. Writer’s block can be a lot of things. For me, it was happening because I […]

The Art of Winnowing

It’s been a rough couple of months. Sometimes, I have a real ‘my eyes are bigger than my stomach’ thing going on when it comes to things I want to do and accomplish. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, but it does lead me into situations where I am stressed and overwhelmed and wondering why. I read something lately, I think it was in Ali Abdal’s ‘Stress-Free Productivity,’ […]

My Favorite Craft Books

                I’ve read a lot of writing craft books over the course of my life, and I thought it would be interesting to talk about my favorites. In general, I don’t like books that are very proscriptive. The ones who give you one correct path you must follow to accomplish your goal. The best ones help you think about things in new ways, and help you put your work […]

Meet the Cast of ‘The Soul Cages.’

doing another meet the cast post, this time for my paranormal Romance Novella, ‘The Soul Cages’, which happens to be on sale for 99 cents through Saturday, August 17th. So, here they are so, those are the main characters. and here’s the blurb: When Adam, a middle school teacher, meets Jeremy, a musician, sparks fly, and the feeling is definitely mutual. What Adam soon learns, however, is that Jeremy is […]

Living in Interesting Times

Look, I get it. The world is a shitshow right now. Or at least it feels that way to those of us who are paying attention. And there are some legit things to worry about. I don’t know what to do about any of it. I don’t know what the right choices are. I don’t know how to solve our various problems. I don’t think anyone does. All we have […]

Everything is Broken

Calm down, that’s not what I’m talking about. I don’t even watch the news (usually) Over the course of the past couple of years, I seemed to have cracked the code of productivity for myself. I was, at one point, writing 3000 words a day, four days a week. In 2022, I wrote 377,000 words of new fiction (and blog posts). Last year, I wrote 277,000, which is still respectable. […]
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