Chad Grayson


Meet the cast of ‘Curse of the Onyx Heart’

Curse of the Onyx Heart is my recent Sword and Sorcery/murder mystery mashup (with zombies!) In a city where the five races live together in an uneasy peace, a human high councilor is murdered. Four companions come together to solve the mystery and uncover the source of the threat to the city, which is much more serious than any of its residents can possibly imagine! Here are the 4 main […]

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Preview of ‘Slipstream Serenade’ from The Divergent Realms anthology

This is an excerpt from my science fiction story, ‘Slipstream Serenade,’ which was recently published in ‘Divergent Realms,’ edited by Riley O’Dell. This is a collection of science fiction and fantasy stories about neurodivergence, written by actual neurodivergent people. It’s gotten great reviews and I am very excited to be included. They brought him coffee, at least. Cash sat in the uncomfortable chair, at the spare metal table. There was

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The 5 Stages of an Author’s Career

The other day my writing group was discussing a post by Dean Wesley Smith, about five levels in a writer’s life. It was focused on their skill level, and while I found it valid, it also didn’t speak much to me. I started thinking about the various levels there are to a writer’s actual career (and I use the term loosely). There are five distinct stages to this, with a

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My 2023 in Sales

I hardly ever look at my sales dashboard on the kdp site. I maybe check in once a week (or less) It’s not that I don’t care, its that looking at it too often drives me to despair. But tonight, I took a look to see how 2023 went. I’m not going to use specific numbers but focus on comparing this year’s performance to previous years (no one needs to

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Social Media Showdown

Twitter used to be the place for artists, writers, journalists, and other professionals to hang out online. It had great discoverability, and people built huge followings seemingly from scratch. People sold books, connected with agents and editors, and became (sometimes unfortunately) celebrities based on the pithy comments they posted about matters both serious and inane. At its height, it had over 528.3 million monthly active users. If you wanted to

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Blade of Shadows, Wings of Light Preview

here is a preview from Blade of Shadows, Wings of Light. The book is available now in ebook and paperback. Get it here. There was no safety to be had. Weaving in and out of the struggling mass of people were two tall figures. They were dressed in dark armor, with spiky helms fitted to their heads. They looked like refugees from a fantasy movie. They seemed unaffected by whatever

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Cover Reveal: Blade of Shadows, Wings of Light

In the final stages of getting this book uploaded, but for now here is the cover and blurb for the giant urban fantasy novel, the first book in a new series. Who—or what—is Jack Bainbridge? Jack Bainbridge thinks he’s just an ordinary college student, studying to be a teacher. But if that’s true, why have the Reaper of Strife and his warriors come to capture him? Rescued by a Holy

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Book Giveaway!

I am giving away five paperback copies of my books to people who promise to leave an honest review at Amazon, goodreads, or any other place you like to do that. If you want in, send me a message through this website (there’s a contact form at the top of the screen) with your name and address, where you would leave the review, and which book you’d like. If I

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5 Things I’ve Learned About Writing Since Doing it Full Time

               It’s been four years, almost exactly, since I devoted myself to writing full time. And, in many ways, it’s gone well, even if I am by no means a bestseller. I’ve written eight books in those four years, and released five of them, with two more to come out later this year. And I’ve learned some things along the way, mostly about how my process works (or doesn’t). So,

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It’s been kind of a weird month. I’m back in the word mines, trying to write 2500 words a day, four days a week, plus a weekly blog post. The first week went well. I ended up with about 11,000 words plus the blog post, which felt like progress. This last week didn’t go so well, since we had several days of appointments, plus I am dealing with the return

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