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In Bright Harbor, where Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, and Halflings live together in an uneasy peace, the brutal murder of a human High Councilor has thrown the city into turmoil. Ethan Brade, a young half-breed Paladin, seeks to uncover the truth of the crime in order to defend the reputation of his best friend, who was a victim of the attack. For help, he turns to a young Elven Mage and Junior Librarian, Tilii Eldarion.
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The Random Avenger
Everything I Really Need to Know in Life, I Learned from Playing Dungeons and Dragons
2024 and Other Disasters
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
The Author
Chad Grayson
Chad Grayson has worked as a phone service rep for various tech companies, a gas station attendant, a middle school language arts and history teacher, and even spent one night cutting the mold off the cheese at the cheese factory. He currently lives in Far Northern California, and spends most of his time writing, going to art school, reading, hiking, gaming, painting miniatures, and binge-watching TV shows. His superpowers are procrastination and dyscalculia. You can find him online at (where you can sign up for his monthly newsletter featuring exclusive posts, previews, book reviews, and updates), on threads as @c.e.grayson, and on BlueSky Follow him on facebook at