Chad Grayson


My Favorite Craft Books

                I’ve read a lot of writing craft books over the course of my life, and I thought it would be interesting to talk about my favorites. In general, I don’t like books that are very proscriptive. The ones who give you one correct path you must follow to accomplish your goal. The best ones help you think about things in new ways, and help you put your work […]

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My Favorite Books of 2023

When this year started, I set myself a challenge on Goodreads to read 100 books. Currently, I have read 159 books, so I guess you could say I overperformed. Those are print books, eBooks, and audiobooks. I make no distinctions. There’s nothing on the list under 100 pages, either, so I didn’t really count individually published short stories, though I did count the collections. I love books and I love

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Book Babies: a rant

Can we have a talk about the term ‘book babies?’ a book is not a baby. once you’ve created it and put it out in the world (a process that usually takes way more than nine months) you’re done. Other people’s relationship with it is none of your business. When you make (or adopt) an actual baby, you have a lifetime in which to fuck that person up ( and

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Announcing ….

Here is the blurb for Burden of the Stars, the next book in the Broken Stars series, which will be out later this month. Journalist Will Corwin has returned from his ordeal as a captive of the hybrid alien Warlord, Nod Korvus. But even as he attempts to settle back into his life and career, he finds the experience won’t let go of him. His mind becomes increasingly fractured by

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Things that are making me happy today

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn checkout I am on record many places stating that the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy by Tad Williams is my favorite series of all time. I have my own executive dysfunction to thank for me reading it. When I was a teenager, I was a member of the Science Fiction Book club. The deal was this: every month you would get a catalog of books, with

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