Chad Grayson

Chad Grayson

Equanimity (or, the subtle art of not losing your shit)

The last two weeks has been incredibly difficult. I had a lot going on anyway, but then my son moved in with me. That wasn’t a bad thing, but he’s nineteen. And on top of the usual 19-year-old nonsense, he’s been on and off his meds and has been yo-yo-ing through various stages of a mental health crisis and the whole things has just been exhausting. Every day I do […]

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The other day, my BFF Nick and I were talking about writing and, specifically characters. And somehow, we got on the topic of strong characters., and it made me think about what makes a strong character, how you tell if you’ve written one, and how you might go about defining that for yourself.  This led me to think about strength in general, and what made up a strong person in

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How to get things done when your brain is an asshole

              Getting things done has always been a struggle for me. I have pretty intense adhd and keeping up with things has been difficult. I spent years trying to write books and not being able to, years trying to keep up with housework and home improvement products and getting halfway through and just … not finishing. My life was chaos.               But somewhere in the last three years or so,

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              I got sick of looking at myself and decided to get serious about doing something about my weight, so I joined Noom. Because I am pre-diabetic, it was even covered by my insurance. Well, it’s been a week, and it wasn’t exactly easy, but it feels doable. I have even lost 5.5 pounds. I know it’s not healthy to continue losing at that pace, but it was nice to

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Taking stock at 49

              Today was my 49th birthday. There were times, over the years, when I didn’t think I would make it to this age. I couldn’t imagine getting here without having killed myself. But I am here, and I am happy, and this provides a convenient moment to take stock.               My relationships with my family members have never been better. I have no secrets form them, not anymore. I am

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       I have a lot of joy in my life. It wasn’t always this way. I was very depressed for many years, and when I wasn’t depressed, I was experiencing dysphoric mania, which was worse. But in 2019 things changed. I left a bad marriage, and then left behind the dark thoughts that had been holding me down. I cracked through the layer of ice I was trapped beneath. I

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The Artist’s Way

              I’ve always thought of myself as an Artist. When you say that, most people think of a visual artist of some type. And I used to draw and share my drawing with others. (This was before the internet so fortunately there is not a deviantart account out there with my name on it) But my drawings were terrible, no matter how polite people were about it. I always wanted

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